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Razgrom Music.

 Wavefall - Huge Frustration

Posted on Sunday, October 01 @ 22:16:42 CEST


To discover new Electro/Industrial music hailing out of the unknown territories of Russia has still a kind of an exotic touch, no matter how much signs of movement lately came alive. Also this Moscow-based duo of WAVEFALL doesn’t need to fall into “huge frustration”, because they got wisely picked up by the Russian/Hungarian label Advoxya-Records. Luckily this label has still an open ear to the musically evolution of their home countries and/or Eastern Europe generally, the mostly Western-oriented scene surely could spend some more attention. Otherwise we would miss this fine – maybe finest – musically effort so far coming out of this area. WAVEFALL present us a 13 track debut release, which will leave you knocked out on the dancefloor pummeling for more! They surely fall into the harsh EBM/Electro category and take some influences out the well known works of HOCICO, PUNTO OMEGA or some acts of the NoiTekk roster. It can be fine recognized the globally try of this duo, always to integrate complex melodic hooks into their arrangements, maybe more than any other else act playing related stuff. Unbelievable that this is a debut, because the music already stands all possible comparisons. These Russian duo stands eye to eye on the same quality level like the mentioned patterns, so let’s hope that they get heard. Favorites are rich included, the opener “On My Knees” and the following pieces “Eclipse (Brute Version)”, “Dedication” and “Love Consumer” are tough and rhythmically-oriented tracks. The next pieces to mention are “Loneless” and “Damnation”, which both slow down the tempo, while offering a more catchier Dark Electro melodic content. Double plus-good also for the most authentic work here “New Form”, which offers a more alternative and more experimental kind of rhythm programming. This release is for sure one of the most outstanding works so far of the quality label roster. Hopefully the audience pays the well deserved attention...
Review by: Marc Tater (www.chaindlk.com)
Rated: 4,5 out of 5 stars


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